If you've placed an order on Reebelo before, then you've already started the account creation process! You can try logging into your account rather than registering it via the instructions here.
If you are having trouble logging in, we recommend first trying to reset your password to see if that resolves the issue.
If you haven't yet placed an order on Reebelo, you're welcome to get started by registering an account. From your account, you can easily track your order, receive assistance for returning a device, generate an invoice and contact our Support team.
There are 2 ways to create an account:
Method 1:
On the home page, click "Sign In" on the top right corner.
At the pop up, click "Create your account".
At the next page, you will need to fill in your details and proceed to "Create My Account"
Method 2:
You can click on the direct link here. You should be able to see the following page.
Insert your details and proceed to click "Create my Account".